Feast of the Birth of Saint John the Baptist

June 24 is the Feast of the Birth of Saint John the Baptist, the cousin of Christ who leapt in his mother Elizabeth’s womb at the Visitation, when the Virgin Mary came to share with her the good news she had been given at the Annunciation. Traditionally, Catholics have seen John the Baptist’s leap as a type of Baptism, and thus believe that he is one of only three people born without Original Sin–Christ Himself and the Blessed Virgin being the other two. (The difference, of course, is that both Christ and the Virgin Mary were conceived without sin, while John the Baptist was conceived in sin but cleansed before his birth.)

John the Baptist dedicated his life to calling the Jews to repentance. He is called the Forerunner of Christ, because he “prepared the way of the Lord” through his “voice crying out in the wilderness.” In traditional iconography, he is depicted with wings like an angel, because angels are messengers between God and man.