The Luminous Mysteries

At LightsMyWay we find Thursday an especially bright day as it’s the day one recounts the Luminous (or Light) mysteries of the Rosary prayer.

The mysteries are events in the Bible that are meditated upon during the recitation of the Rosary. Certain mysteries are meant to be said on certain days. Thursday is the only day the Luminous mysteries are called to mind and heart. They are:

1. The Baptism of Jesus, bringing to mind submission to God’s will.

2. The Wedding Feast of Cana, for devotion to Mary as this is when Jesus’ answered Mary’s concern that they had run out of wine during the wedding, and Jesus’ performed his first public miracle turning water to wine.

3. Proclamation of the Kingdom, for the grace of conversion, when Jesus announced the Kingdom of God was at hand.

4. The Transfiguration, for holy fear of God, when Jesus became radiant upon a mountain, spoke with Moses and Elijah, and was called “Son” by God

5. Institution of the Eucharist, for thanksgiving to God, which was the Last Supper when Jesus gave his disciples bread, saying, “This is my body,” and then giving them wine, saying, “This is my blood.”

To learn how to pray the Rosary, see or for a flash presentation of praying the Rosary see the link at