Going Into The Desert – Lent 2016

desert-morning-1526792Going into the Desert is an Initiation

Spirit leads us there

A period of testing before real work begins

Desert strips away distractions so only fundamentals are left

Essentials are life or death

Confronting negative feelings and things in life

First Temping, life is not about sensual pleasures, don’t make sensual pleasures your dominant

most basic is what is the will and purpose of God

Life is not about sensuals, basics first

Word of God is the most basic, listen and trust

Are sensuals too close to the center of my life

Second Temping is the lure of power and glory

All kingdoms of the earth are entwined with sin

Instead say yes to God and the Will of God

desert-1540727-1It could mean being invisible, dishonored, or broken

Third Temping is making the ego first

There are purposes for you that God has willed

Are you in charge of your life, putting yourself at the center

or Are you saying yes to what God willed for you?

Your life is not about you, its about God and his purposes for you

Lukian account: You shall not put the Lord God to the test

You test God, you put yourself at the center of the temple

Are you putting yourself before God

Are you the center of attention

or Are you willing to do the will of God

Above my translation from Father Barron’s first Lenten homily “Three Questions From The Desert”

arizonadesert-8-1559425We must listen and trust our Godvoice, we are not strong enough to do half of what we are destined to do, that’s why we must realize that God is leading. He’ll lead, we’ll bring his ways into the visible. -MJM